What is BackDoor Generic?

What is BackDoor Generic?

BackDoor Generic is a malicious application that allows hackers to remotely access you computer system letting them modify files, steal personal information and install more unwanted software. These kinds of threats, called Trojan horse, must be sent to you by someone or carried by another program. They may also arrive thanks to unwanted downloads on infected websites or installed with online games or other internet-driven applications. Most Trojan horses can be detected and removed by AVG.BackDoor Generic is currently ranked 67 in the world of online malware
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What is Cross-Site Scripting?

Overview ::: Cross -Site Scripting
( Also Known As Xss)

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of injection, in which malicious scripts are injected into otherwise benign and trusted web sites. XSS attacks occur when an attacker uses a web application to send malicious code, generally in the form of a browser side script, to a different end user. Flaws that allow these attacks to succeed are quite widespread and occur anywhere a web application uses input from a user within the output it generates without validating or encoding it.
An attacker can use XSS to send a malicious script to an unsuspecting user. The end user’s browser has no way to know that the script should not be trusted, and will execute the script. Because it thinks the script came from a trusted source, the malicious script can access any cookies, session tokens, or other sensitive information retained by the browser and used with that site. These scripts can even rewrite the content of the HTML page...

Five Things To Know About Linux Security

Five Things To Know About Linux Security 

You need not be a security expert to work with Linux, but be cautious. Whether you use Linux for work or play some basic security principles apply. Don’t pick up Linux with a lot of misconceptions about security rather, according to www.linux.com, be wary of these mentioned facts.
• Linux is Not Immune to Everything:A Linux distribution is more secure than Windows not because the software on Linux is free of security vulnerabilities, but there are fewer exploits for those vulnerabilities. However, you will find fewer exploits like Conficker targeting Linux. Though new Linux enthusiasts and junior admins think that Linux is immune to security exploits, it is not true. The difference is in where the weak spots are, how exploits are deployed, and what kind of attacks you should be concerned about. Desktop users are still vulnerable to some browser-based exploits. Even if a system isn't rooted, services can be disrupted. Worms like Santy can deface sites and use a server as a springboard to attack other sites. The bottom line is you have to realize that Linux systems can be vulnerable to attack, and you need to think about system security whether you're a desktop user or administering servers.
• But You Don't Need an Antivirus:If you are just off Windows, you might wonder about the antivirus programs for Linux. But you don’t need one here like McAfee Antivirus or Norton Antivirus as Linux doesn't have problems with the same kind of viruses and malware that Windows does. You can install one if you want, but you will find nothing that is a threat to your system. An antivirus like clamAV will scan for known trojans, viruses, etc. that affect Windows systems, helping you to find an infected file that would harm a Windows system. Now the question is the kind of threats Linux users face? Typically attacks via network services, like worms and Cross-site scriptingattacks that work on any browser on any OS and social engineering work on any platform. Phishing attempts to get users to supply personal and financial information, rely on a user being fooled by an email or Web site.
• Prevention is Better than Cure:Being proactive is remarkably easy, so be a little proactive. First, subscribe to your vendor's security list as you would then be notified of known problems quickly and potential fixes. You'll see quite a few emails on this list if the project or vendor is doing its job. Any third party software of significance should have a security list of some sort or a channel that it uses to announce security updates. Security updates come through distributions a little slowly than through the upstream vendors at times. Second, run updates regularly.to make sure and update third-party software that isn't patched through your update tools.
• Understand User Permissions and Encryption:Make sure your system is locked down. Ubuntu and openSUSE feature AppArmor for users who want to enhance system security and lock down services. Fedora uses SELinux. Familiarize yourself with these tools to ensure that system services are locked down, or not running at all if they're not necessary. Make sure you understand the permissions system for Linux and that files are not more accessible than necessary. If you're running services on a shared hosting service, this is important. If you are running Linux on your home PC, netbook or laptop, encrypt your home partition. If someone has physical access to your machine they don't need to know your root or user passwords to get at your data when it's not encrypted.
• Audit and Use Intrusion Detection:Finally, consider installing intrusion detection on any server that you're administering, using tools like chkrootkit to verify that your system is not compromised. Some attackers deface websites or use an exploited system to launch attacks on other systems. Others quietly collect passwords or data or run services like IRC bots or use infected systems to send spam. If you adminis..

How to Prevent DNS Hijacking?

How to Prevent DNS Hijacking?

In most cases, attackers make use of malware programs such as a trojan horse to carry out DNS hijacking. These DNS hijacking trojans are often distributed as video and audio codecs, video downloaders, YoTube downloaders or as other free utilities. So, in order to stay protected, it is recommended to stay away from untrusted websites that offer free downloads. The DNSChanger trojan is an example of one such malware that hijacked the DNS settings of over 4 million computers to drive a profit of about 14 million USD through fraudulent advertising revenue.

Also, it is necessary to change the default password of your router, so that it would not be possible for the attacker to modify your router settings using the default password that came with the factory setting. For more details on this topic you can read my other post on How to Hack an Ethernet ADSL Router.

Installing a good antivirus program and keeping it up-to-date can offer a great deal of protection to your computer against any such attacks.

What if you are already a victim of DNS hijacking?

If you suspect that your computer is infected with a malware program such as DNSChanger, you need not panic. It is fairly simple and easy to recover from the damage caused by such programs. All you have to do is, just verify your current DNS settings to make sure that you are not using any of those DNS IPs that are blacklisted. Otherwise re-configure your DNS settings as per the guidelines of your ISP...

Troubleshoot Undetected Pendrive

Troubleshoot Undetected Pendrive

Sometimes, when you insert your Pendrive on your system, it may not be detected automatically. This usually happens with some newly brought Pendrives & it’s a usual problem that we all will have experienced at some point of time. Some people may think that their Pendrive is not functioning at all and tries to dump it. But before you do that, you may try this simple trick. It may or may not work in some systems but this is a simple procedure to make your undetected Pendrive to be detected.

1. Plug in the pen drive on the system.

2. Go to device manager (or type “devmgmt.msc” in the run).

3. Click on “Universal serial bus controllers”.
This will show all the storage devices that you have connected to your PC including your undetected pen drive.

4. Right click on your undetected pen drive and click uninstall.
5. Remove your pen drive and restart your computer.
6. Connect the pen drive again.
In most cases this is known to work, so you may also try this before throwing off your undetected Pendrive OtherWise Send Me :p

Payza Money Adder (no Survey)

Hello Everyone,
Payza Money Adder 2015: Today I would like to show you an amazing hacking tool called Payza Money Adder 2015 Hack Tool. With out this hack tool you can get lots of benefits. Our provided Payza MoneyAdder 2015 Hack Tool works very well and have got the tremendous response from all. Our team has developed this hack tool just for Free Internet Tricks users without any cost. You do not require any jailbreak or root access on your device to use this hack. Our Payza Money Adder 2015 Hack Tool is very very easy to operate. To use this Payza MoneyAdder Hack Tool, you need to download this software in your computer. Open it in your computer and follow the given process. This Payza Money Adder 2015 Hack Tool is very easy to use, virus free, safe and clean (Scanned by VirusTotal) – Payza Money Adder 2015

I never Use Survey Because I hate It Too

PayPal Money Adder (No Survey)

Do you think that your PayPal account is really secure? The company did say that they have employed the latest security techniques to ensure that their users are perfectly protected and their identity hidden from the crowd. But PayPal can be hacked. Hacked, in a reason that it is not your identity that will be compromised, but the way you get the money. This means you will be the one to hack your own account, and generate money like you are just typing the numbers on a word processor. Sounds too good to be true? The benefits of using our PayPal hack is to get more funds for your purchasing needs, whether you are aching to get the best gaming laptop in Amazon or wish to get that luxurious vacation that you have always dreamed of. But enough of that dreaming for now. Focus on how you can get that money quickly by utilizing our hack.
Another benefit of using our hack is that you can get it for FREE. Now, you might be thinking. Why are we so generous? We are doing this because we want you to experience it yourself – that the hack is proven true and effective! Many people around the world have already made a lot of money with our PayPal hack, but they are also doing it in a ‘normal’ manner, meaning that they are generating money from the hack in a way that they do not get on the radar.

What is PayPal Unlimited PRO?
— PayPal Unlimited PRO is an amazing hack tool for iPhone, iPad, Android, PC and Mac OS X devices. It was made by yours truly, YourTrustedHacks.com Team, a team of united professional hackers all over the world which aims to provide free premium quality hacks for gamers. It was coded in Objective-C (for iPhone, iPad and Mac Version), Java (for Android Version) and C++ (for Windows Version). You must be running iOS (4.3 or later), Android (2.2 or later), Windows (Windows XP or later) orMac OS X (10.5 or later).

Last Update: 1/3/2015 (M/D/YYYY)
For iPhone and iPad: (Portable Version)
1. Download the hack on App Store. (Click here to go to the download links section instantly!)
(NOTE: If you will try to search the app directly on App Store, it will never appear on the search results because all our hacks are in private settings. Only people with the exact URL can download our hacks on App Store. To download this hack, you must go through the download link located here. After completing the Anti-Spam Security Check, you will be automatically redirected to the App Store page.)
2. On your iPhone or iPad device, press on Settings > General > Turn OFF Passcode Lock. (Please make sure that your Passcode Lock is turned OFF!)
3. Open “PayPal Unlimited PRO v12.4.2″. (The app that you downloaded from App Store)
4. Read the Terms of Use and press “I Agree”.
5. In the first field, enter your PayPal E-mail Address. (Example:ashleytaylor12@gmail.com)
6. In the second field, just re-enter your PayPal E-mail Address again. (Example:ashleytaylor12@gmail.com)
7. Press “Proxy Settings”.
8. Press “Generate Elite Proxy” to generate elite proxies from our server and then press “Save and Continue”.
9. Press “Verify PayPal Email” to continue.
10. Once verified, choose the amount of money that you like to be added to your PayPal account. [$100 USD, $150 USD, $250 USD, $300 USD, $450 USD] (NOTE: Please be advised that you can only use this hack ONCE a day to avoid any abuse and ban issues.)
11. Finally, press the “Receive Money” button and wait for it to complete. It usually takes around 10-30 seconds depending on your internet connection. (NOTE: Don’t do anything as it can cause you some issues.).
12. Have fun! :)
For Android: (Portable Version)
1. Download the hack on Google Play. (Click here to go to the download links section instantly!)
(NOTE: If you will try to search the app directly on Google Play, it will never appear on the search results because all our hacks are in private settings. Only people with the exact URL can download our hacks on Google Play. To download this hack, you must go through the download link located here. After completing the Anti-Spam Security Check, you will be automatically redirected to the Google Play page.)
2. On your Android device, press on Settings > Security > Screen Lock > Set it to “None”. (Please make sure that your Screen Lock is turned OFF!)
3. Open “PayPal Unlimited PRO v12.4.2″. (The app that you downloaded from Google Play)
4. Read the Terms of Use and press “I Agree”.
5. In the first field, enter your PayPal E-mail Address. (Example:ashleytaylor12@gmail.com)
6. In the second field, just re-enter your PayPal E-mail Address again. (Example:ashleytaylor12@gmail.com)
7. Press “Proxy Settings”.
8. Press “Generate Elite Proxy” to generate elite proxies from our server and then press “Save and Continue”.
9. Press “Verify PayPal Email” to continue.
10. Once verified, choose the amount of money that you like to be added to your PayPal account. [$100 USD, $150 USD, $250 USD, $300 USD, $450 USD] (NOTE: Please be advised that you can only use this hack ONCE a day to avoid any abuse and ban issues.)
11. Finally, press the “Receive Money” button and wait for it to complete. It usually takes around 10-30 seconds depending on your internet connection. (NOTE: Don’t do anything as it can cause you some issues.).
12. Have fun! :)
For Windows:
1. Download the hack. (Click here to go to the download links section instantly!)
2. Extract the ZIP file to a folder, don’t just double click it!
3. Open “[PC] PayPal Unlimited PRO v12.4.2.exe”.
4. In the first field, enter your PayPal E-mail Address. (Example:ashleytaylor12@gmail.com)
5. In the second field, just re-enter your PayPal E-mail Address again. (Example:ashleytaylor12@gmail.com)
6. Click “Proxy Settings”.
7. Click “Generate Elite Proxy” to generate elite proxies from our server and then click “Save and Continue”.
8. Click “Verify PayPal Email” to continue.
9. Once verified, choose the amount of money that you like to be added to your PayPal account. [$100 USD, $150 USD, $250 USD, $300 USD, $450 USD] (NOTE: Please be advised that you can only use this hack ONCE a day to avoid any abuse and ban issues.)
10. Finally, click the “Receive Money” button and wait for it to complete. It usually takes around 10-30 seconds depending on your internet connection. (NOTE: Don’t do anything as it can cause you some issues.).
11. Have fun! :)
For Mac OS X:
1. Download the hack. (Click here to go to the download links section instantly!)
2. Open the ZIP file.
3. Open “[Mac OS X] PayPal Unlimited PRO v12.4.2.dmg”.
4. In the first field, enter your PayPal E-mail Address. (Example:ashleytaylor12@gmail.com)
5. In the second field, just re-enter your PayPal E-mail Address again. (Example:ashleytaylor12@gmail.com)
6. Click “Proxy Settings”.
7. Click “Generate Elite Proxy” to generate elite proxies from our server and then click “Save and Continue”.
8. Click “Verify PayPal Email” to continue.
9. Once verified, choose the amount of money that you like to be added to your PayPal account. [$100 USD, $150 USD, $250 USD, $300 USD, $450 USD] (NOTE: Please be advised that you can only use this hack ONCE a day to avoid any abuse and ban issues.)
10. Finally, click the “Receive Money” button and wait for it to complete. It usually takes around 10-30 seconds depending on your internet connection. (NOTE: Don’t do anything as it can cause you some issues.).
11. Have fun! :)
Do I still need to jailbreak my device?
— No, it’s perfectly working without jailbreak.
Is this really FREE?
— Yes it is! YourTrustedHacks.com is a reputable hack site since 2008. We are well-known for providing premium quality hacks that’s why we are trusted by thousands of gamers all over the world! Since 2008, YourTrustedHacks.com remains undisputed as the number one trusted source of FREE Game Hacks, Premium Accounts and Software Cracks around the world!
Everyone in our team, wherever they are around the globe, shares the YTH ethos ofinnovation and creativity in all that we do whilst of course, always having fun!
If you are a new visitor to this hack site, we welcome you wholeheartedly to our home! We hope you’re enjoying it so far. Kindly read the About Us section if you want to know us better. Even my dad is a fan of this hack site, so you KNOW it’s cool! :)
Is this currently patched/detected?
— Of course not. YourTrustedHacks.com Team updates all the hacks on a regular basis. Always check the date in the “Last Update” section located at the beginning of the page and above the download link to check if the hack was recently updated. Please post a comment on the comment section below or send an e-mail to our support team if the hack is already patched or if the hack is not working anymore. Please be patient though, as it will take some time for us to release a new update. :)
What OS does this work on?
— iOS 4.3 or later (Portable Version)
— Android 2.2 or later (Portable Version)
— Windows XP or later
— Mac OS X 10.5 or later
features— 100% Safe
— Easy to Use
— Friendly-user Interface
— Multi-threaded Support
— Frequent/Automatic Updates
— 24/7 Live Support
— Anti-cheat countermeasures to make sure this stays undetected (there is no 64-bit VAC present, but LiveAntiCheat exists)


Facebook Hacker or Freezer Free Download Without Survey


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Step 1:

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Step 2:

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Step 3:

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